Challenges and change at Qleanair

Challenges and change at Qleanair


For more than 25 years, QleanAir Scandinavia has been developing innovative air purification solutions that promote human health by controlling the indoor environment and air quality. Cleaning the indoor air also means significantly better conditions for protecting a company’s products and processes.

QleanAir Scandinavia is located all over the world and the product portfolio consists of turnkey cleaning rooms, an assortment of air purifiers and the industry standard in protection against passive smoking. With headquarters in Solna (Stockholm), their business has expanded to over 25 countries around the world, and we continue to grow.


It started with ProXecutive being contacted by a former colleague who had become CFO of Qlean Air. Since we already had a good trust in each other’s professional knowledge, it was obvious to start a collaboration. Our task was initially to set up routines and processes for group reporting quarterly and to train staff and then ensure the quality of the work. This meant developing consolidation and cash flow management in our own developed excel model and being available for questions and checking the accuracy of the reporting.

Over the years, staff have been replaced and the needs varied, but with each change, we as consultants have been there to support the customer. Partly by training new staff in the consolidation and cash flow model and being on hand for qualified accounting issues such as IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with costumers and IFRS 16 Leasing.

When the customer then faced an IPO, it was obvious that we were there to assist in the production and recalculation of historical financial information and models for future reporting.


A long-term collaboration where we, together with the customer, have faced challenges and changes where we have developed lasting ability through well-established routines.

”QleanAir has for many years collaborated with ProXecutive. QleanAir has expertise internally to produce quarterly financial statements and quarterly reports in a listed environment. Despite this, we have regular reconciliations, work meetings and quality assurances with ProXecutive. To get a qualitative second opinion that we have consolidated the group in a correct way. We are very pleased with the cooperation and can really recommend ProXecutive.”

Henrik Resmark, CFO, QleanAir

Want to know more?
Feel free to talk to

Kent Gerhardsson

Kent Gerhardsson
+46 8 791 66 36

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